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Improving the periodic error and guiding ability of a Losmandy GM8 mount

Why bothering about improving Losmandy's GM8 mount Fig. 1: Losmandy GM8 guide star drift while auto-guiding. Overall the mount produces round star images and guiding works. However, the guide star drifts are relatively large (compared to seeing). As mentioned ...

Using an MGEN v2 Autoguider on a Losmandy mount with 492 Digital Drive System

Why I bought a Losmandy GM8 mount Figure 1: Analysis of guide star positions when using the MGEN autoguider on a Skywatcher EQ5 Pro mount. The green circles indicate the offsets in arcsec of the guide star in RA, while blue diamonds show the offsets in DEC. The ...

Comet C/2020 F3 (Neowise)

Comet C/2020 F3 (Neowise). Crop from an image taken at Postalm (Salzburg, AT) on July 21st, 2020 with a Nikon DF using an AF-S 50mm f/1.8 Nikkor at f/2.2 and ISO 1600. The exposure time was 15 ...

Efficient Turbulence Driven Lyα Escape in the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample

I am happy to announce that our paper about the molecular gas and dust in the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample (LARS) is now available through arXiv. Our main finding is that galaxies with high gas fractions and very long gas depletion times (>10Gyr) are at the same ...

Dense Gas Toolbox – This is for all radioastronomers out there!

I am happy to announce that the first online version of the Dense Gas Toolbox (DGT) is now available. DGT allows to derive gas densities and temperatures from observed molecular lines. The toolbox contains a novel set of radiative transfer models which take into ...

Recognition of the lunar rhythm under light polluted skies

Circa-monthly activity conducted by moonlight is observed in many species on Earth. However, due to the steadily increasing amount of artificial light at night, the periodicity is progressively disrupted. In a recently published paper, we investigate for the first time in ...