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Light pollution
Long term trend in light pollution: data vs. model

Long-term trends of light pollution

I am happy to announce that our paper on long-term trends in light pollution has been recently published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. In the paper we present long-term (4–10 yr) trends of light pollution observed at 26 locations, ...

Dreht bitte jemand das Licht ab? Folgen der Lichtverschmutzung

Für alle die nicht live bei meinem "Astronomy on Tap" Vortrag in Bonn am 28. Juni dabei waren, gibt es hier ein Video der Veranstaltung (Minute 6:40 bis 35:00) und weiter unten die Folien meiner Präsentation. Es geht um Lichtverschmutzung: Was ist Lichtverschmutzung, ...

Recognition of the lunar rhythm under light polluted skies

Circa-monthly activity conducted by moonlight is observed in many species on Earth. However, due to the steadily increasing amount of artificial light at night, the periodicity is progressively disrupted. In a recently published paper, we investigate for the first time in ...

Eine kurze Geschichte des Lichts – von der Feuerstelle zur globalen Lichtverschmutzung

Am 13. November 2019 lädt der Verein Homo heidelbergensis von Mauer e.V. zu einem Vortrag zum Thema Lichtverschmutzung. Wo: Heid'sches Haus, Bahnhofstraße 4, D-69256 Mauer Eintritt: frei Im Vortrag werde ich zunächst auf die Geschichte der künstlichen ...

SQM night sky brightness measurements at 26 locations in Eastern Austria

I am glad to announce that our recent light pollution paper entitled Systematic measurements of the night sky brightness at 26 locations in Eastern Austria will be soon published in JQSRT. In the article, we show that a correlation between light pollution and air pollution ...

SVT Local News Report: Light Pollution in Stockholm

The Swedish public broadcaster SVT recently made a short report about light pollution in Stockholm, for which I was interviewed (German and Swedish). Swedish readers might find this story about light pollution in Stockholm interesting. Jonatan Loxdal, reporter from the ...