Am 13. November 2019 lädt der Verein Homo heidelbergensis von Mauer e.V. zu einem Vortrag zum Thema Lichtverschmutzung. Wo: Heid'sches Haus, Bahnhofstraße 4, D-69256 Mauer Eintritt: frei Im Vortrag werde ich zunächst auf die Geschichte der künstlichen ...
In today's volume of the "Earth and Planetary Science Letters", Michael M. Sori from the "Lunar and Planetary Laboratory" of the University of Arizona (US) writes about how he used data obtained with the MESSENGER (Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and ...
The zodiacal light is a nocturnal phenomena that is revealed only to those who dare to escape the city lights. In spring, after sunset and once twilight fades away into a dark and moonless night, a gentle luminous band opens up when looking towards west. Its majestic cone ...
I am glad to announce that our recent light pollution paper entitled Systematic measurements of the night sky brightness at 26 locations in Eastern Austria will be soon published in JQSRT. In the article, we show that a correlation between light pollution and air pollution ...
As of April 19, 2017 our paper entitled "The Lyman Continuum Escape and ISM properties in Tololo 1247-232 - New Insights from HST and VLA" is accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronmical Society (MNRAS). In the paper, we report on our work based on ...
It is fact that Nikon's DF is among the most sensitive camera's available on the market today. Its FX format CMOS chip offers 16.2 million pixels. The corresponding pixel size of 7.3μm is thus large compared to most other state-of-the-art cameras (with typical sizes of ...